You Can Have the Relationship You Want.

Couples Therapy &
Marriage Counseling
in Tampa, Florida
Find Your Experienced Relationship Counselor Near You… or Marriage Therapy in Tampa or Online
Are You Feeling Angry,
Hurt or Lonely
In Your Relationship?
You've grown distant from the most important person in your life. Perhaps you feel unappreciated and taken for granted. No matter how hard you try to please your partner, you feel "it's never good enough" or "you’re not good enough".
You've tried talking but end up feeling misunderstood and dismissed. To avoid arguments, you've suppressed your feelings, needs, or desires. Then somehow your partner's comment or actions touches a nerve and you're back in the same cycle of arguing where it escalates to yelling or cold silence.

You may wake up one day and realize that it no longer feels like you know the person you married. You may wonder when was last time you made love, shared an intimate moment, or even made a decision without a fight. Somewhere, somehow, your partner became your opponent – or worse – a stranger.
You're desperate to fix your relationship but you're exhausted from trying so hard. You're losing hope that relationship will get better.
This is not the "happy ever after" you dreamed of.

Don't. Give. Up.
There is HOPE.
If you are like most couples, even the unhappiest of couples, you have invested a lot of time and emotion into your partner and your relationship. If you CAN save the relationship and if you CAN learn to come together again, the payoff is huge. Many couples who have come back from the brink of breakup report that their relationship is stronger than it could have been had they never gotten to that edge.

Our couples therapists & marriage counselors in Tampa are skilled in the most up-to-date research based intervention strategies. We use the Gottman Method and Emotion Focused Therapy which are the GOLD STANDARDS for couples therapy.
No matter your needs, our experts can help guide you toward an intimate and strong relationship.
Our goal is to support you in having the fulfilling, passionate relationship you desire
Our Approach

Our couples often express feeling hopeful after their initial session.
Our approach is warm, interactive, and practical.
We start with the premise that something is right in your relationship and use a strength based approach as a starting point. We'll create a safe space for you and your partner to explore and share your thoughts, emotions, and needs.
You will each be heard and guided toward responding to each other instead of reacting.
We offer tools to help you both understand and change destructive patterns and promote healthier connections.
You will learn new ways to communicate and be guided in identifying patterns that keep you stuck so you can start feeling like you’re on the same team again.
You will be guided toward sharing and nurturing one another’s needs, comforting and soothing each others hurts and building a deeper bond and sense of connection with each other.
You will acquire skills to navigate conflict, overcome present challenges and future challenges.
If you and your partner are ready to learn how to repair past hurts, relearn to love on each other despite past or present pain, call for your free 15 minute consultation.

Stop having the same argument(s) over and over again
Return to a deeper level of intimacy
Recover from an infidelity or another breach of trust
Work on your relationship even though your partner doesn't seem available
Feel more secure in your sex life
Navigate life transitions from a place of connection and understanding of each other
Reduce the frequency and intensity of communication breakdowns
Stop struggling.
NOW is the time to strengthen your relationship
Telehealth & Video sessions and in person available.
"One or both of us fear that you’ll take the other’s side."
We have heard this objection many times.
We will not take sides because we don’t believe that either you or your partner is to blame. Nor do we believe that you are both to blame. We honestly believe that it is the dance, or negative cycle, that couples create over the length of relationships that prevents them from coming together. We believe that both parties are innocent victims of the dance they have created for themselves.
When you walk in our door, we see your relationship as our client. It is our genuine goal to help you find your way back to each other in a gentle, non-judgmental way that feels good for both you and your partner.
"I think that we each need individual therapy before we can even think about doing couples work."
We live in a culture that tells us that we need to be healthy individuals before we can be part of a healthy relationship. But, research tells us that the OPPOSITE is true. The truth is that we are wired from birth to be in relationships with other people. It is when we feel isolated and alone that we get depressed, anxious, sad and angry.
We think we all know that a bad relationship can cause stress, depression and anxiety. But, research tells us that a GOOD relationship can help alleviate stress, depression and anxiety. A healthy relationship can also help reduce PTSD symptoms and heal past trauma. This is not to say that individual therapy is never appropriate. However, when someone comes to us for individual therapy, we often ask that they bring their partner or a close family member or friend because it is almost always more effective.